as Attorney Electronic Learning Modules & PDFs on this subject are available. Attorneys can terminate themselves in limited circumstances. This feature is court configurable, and some courts will choose to use this feature while others will not. As an attorney, if you can certify that you have no controversy before the court and your client consents to withdrawal from the case, then you can withdraw from the case by docketing a new event, Withdraw as Attorney. This will result in you being terminated from the case and no longer receiving any notices of electronic filing for that case. (However, you may continue to receive notices of electronic filing on the same day your association as an attorney to the case is terminated.) You will be removed from the mailing list and no longer receive any notices regarding this case. Attorneys can only terminate themselves and not the parties they represent. Parties will remain active. The following is the declaration certifying that you have no controversy before the court and your client consents to your withdrawal from the case: Attorneys for the debtor or joint debtor in a case will not be able to terminate themselves. In addition, attorneys for plaintiffs and defendants who are also debtors in the lead bankruptcy case will not be able to terminate themselves from an adversary proceeding. |