CHAP - Update the CHAP Calendar
Last Updated: April 15, 2021
To Update the CHAP calendar:
Open CHAP and Login.
Select hearing date from calendar. The calendar view will appear for your selected date.
Note: If a matter is adjourned or rescheduled, select the "new" hearing date from the calendar.
Select (highlight) the matter from the Court Calendar, then click on Details. The Details screen will appear.
Modify the matter text to 1) add/remove any objections, 2) to change "Preliminary Hearing" to "Final Hearing", etc., or 3) make other changes.
Tip: Ctrl + Enter to move to a new line.
Preliminary Hearing on Motion by Trustee to Dismiss Case for Failure to Make Plan Payments (Doc # 10)
-Obj. DR
NOTE: If debtor is Pro Se, indicate that here.
See more examples
Add the Moving and Opposing Counsel.
Do not add the debtor's attorney as they already appear under Debtor's Attorney.
Chapter 12/13: If the Trustee (Mark Harring) is the moving or opposing party, add Leslie Brodhead-Griffith from the "All Attorneys" list.
Verify the location and change the Method to the "Hearing Location" (Eau Claire, LaCrosse, Madison, Superior, or Wausau). The Hearing Location can be found on docket above the Judge's name. The hearing location will appear as a watermark on the calendar and is used by the Judge to determine a final hearing date/location; click Save.
Markup the docket.
Select the Docket Tab from the top of the Detail screen. A new window will open showing the Docket Sheet.
Check all related documents; click on Save Marks.
NOTE: You can also click Mark CM/ECF Related which will mark all related documents for you. Must review for accuracy.
This will create an abbreviated docket to view only docket entries relevant to this matter.
Add Proceeding Memo if this is a new matter on the calendar (Furay & Perhach ONLY). If the matter was adjourned, verify the correct PM is used. Example: Trial or small business confirmation hearing.
Select the Notes tab from the top of the Detail screen. A new window will open to edit (create) a note.
Select Edit and then select the appropriate PM from the numbered buttons on the right. If you have not preset these numbered buttons, select the * button to display all note options. Select from the following:
CJF (main case - #1) rev'd 3/10/15
CJF (small bus - conf. of ch. 11 pm - #2)
Note: This pm is used for the preliminary confirmation hearing. Use the main case pm for the final confirmation hearing.
CJF - PM for AP Trials - #4
CJF - Adv. proc. - #3 (shortened version) 3 17 15
4/15/2021 Removed note regarding Adjourned Hearings from instruction #5.
Court Instructions