Notice of Electronic Filing
The Notice of Electronic Filing is the verification that the filing has been sent electronically to the Court’s database. It certifies that this is now an official court document.
Clicking on the case number hyperlink will present the docket report for this case. Note that you will be prompted for your PACER login and password. Users must be registered with the PACER system to have a login and password.
Clicking on the document number hyperlink will present the PDF image of the document just filed. Note that you will be prompted for your PACER login and password.
To get your free look, you must click on the document number hyperlink from the Notice of Electronic Filing that you receive via e-mail...not the Notice of Electronic Filing that you see at the conclusion of the filing process. Note that you are only granted one free look, which is only available within the first 15 days. Therefore, you might want to print or save a copy of the PDF.
Scroll down to see participants who have or have not registered for electronic noticing on this case.
To print a copy of this notice, click the browser [Print] icon.