Proposed Orders
Last Updated: December 7, 2022

Related Topic: Formatting Requirements

To File Electronically:

  1. Log into CM/ECF.

  2. Select [Bankruptcy >  Miscellaneous]. If the proposed order is filed in an adversary case, select  [Adversary >  Miscellaneous].

  3. Enter the case number (e.g, xx-xxxxx).

  4. Select [Proposed Order - attorney] from the event list. If the proposed order is filed in an adversary case, select  [Proposed Order - attorney adversary].

  5. Select the party filer.

  6. Enter the "Order to be signed on or after" date:

    Generally, enter day after last day to object or same day order was filed; whichever date is later.

  7. Browse to select the Proposed Order (.pdf file).

    Note: If attachments should be part of the signed order, create a single PDF document that includes the attachments. DO NOT add separate attachments to the proposed order using the "Attachments to Document" radio button.

  8. The Upload a Single Order via docketing screen will appear; Click [Next].

  9. Refer to the appropriate document (e.g., Motion/Application, Stipulation, Plan, Objection to Exemptions, Objection to Claim, Complaint, etc.).

  10. Enter Related document number in text box; Click [Next].

  11. On the Upload a Single Order via docketing screen, enter the following:

    1. Order Type: Select Urgent only when the proposed order needs to be signed as soon as possible (i.e., there is a verifiable emergency or other situation necessitating immediate signature). Select Routine for all other orders.

    2. Hearing date: Leave date blank.

  12. Add a description of the Proposed Order to docket text (e.g., Motion by GMAC for Relief from Stay).

  13. Verify the final docket text; if correct, click [Next] to submit your document(s).

    Note: The Notice of Electronic Filing displays giving you the document number. Copies of this notice are immediately e-mailed to all participants who receive electronic notification in the case.


12/07/2022:  Report must be run three times per day.

04/15/2021:  Updated list of items to review in proposed orders.