CHAP - Recode a Matter (hearing adjourned/scheduling order)
Last Updated: April 21, 2021

To Recode a matter when Hearing is Adjourned or a Scheduling Order will be entered:

  1. Open CHAP and Login.
  2. Select hearing date from calendar. The calendar view will appear for your selected date.
  3. Select (highlight) the matter from the Court Calendar, then click on Recode (or right click/recode). The Recode Hearing(s) screen will appear.
  4. Change strike code to sr (Stricken - Rescheduled).
  5. Check box "Check to reschedule for:"
  6. Change the date, time, and location; sort code should be 01.
  7. Click on Recode

See Docketing Proceeding Memos for specific instructions when Final Hearing or Pre-Trial Order is issued


04/21/2021  Added (or right click/recode) to No. 3.





Court Instructions