Proceeding Memos
Last Updated: May 29, 2020

A PM/Hearing Held entry is made for every hearing that is held. It is a record of what happened at the hearing and indicates what further action needs to be taken.

After the hearing, the Court Recorder (CA) will receive the PMs. They will scan the PMs as one document and save them to:

G:\images\Eau Claire PMs (DO NOT DELETE) OR

G:\images\Madisons PMs (DO NOT DELETE).

The CA will docket the PM in CHAP or as noted in the table below.

To Docket the Proceeding Memo:



Order is to be filed, PM is Order, or no action:

  1. Docket the Proceeding Memo in CHAP: Minute Entry Type = Hearing Held

    Example: PM/Hearing held on Confirmation of Amended Chapter 12 Plan. OUTCOME: Plan Confirmed; Attorney Sample to submit Proposed Order Confirming Plan. (related document(s): 35)

    Is this PM also an Order? Look for any text or hand written notes after "It is ordered from the bench ...."  If any text is included, add PM/Order re: Hearing held ... to the docket text.

    Example: PM/Order re: Hearing held on Motion by Debtor to Continue Automatic Stay. OUTCOME: Motion is granted. (related document(s): 15)

Note: Add "Order to be entered by the Court" to text, if Court is preparing the order.


Case Dismissed but stayed ...

  1. Docket the Proceeding Memo in CHAP:  Minute Entry Type = Hearing Held

    Example:  PM/Hearing held on Confirmation of Chapter 13 Plan. OUTCOME: Case Dismissed; Dismissal stayed for 30 days to allow the Debtor to amend the Plan. (related document(s): 16 )

Note: If the order is to be filed by the Chapter 13 Trustee, do not add "Trustee to submit proposed order" to text.

Adjourned (TC):

  1. Docket the Proceeding Memo in CHAP:  Minute Entry Type = Hearing Held and Adjourned ({judge} conference line)

    Note: check Enable to set hearing type, date, time, Judge, and Location

    Example: PM/Hearing held on Objection by Debtor to Claim Number 35 of Internal Revenue Service. Adjourned to Telephonic Hearing scheduled for 11/13/2013 at 10:00 AM. Please call the Court conference line at xxx, access code xxx##. ***This docket entry serves as electronic notice.***  (related document(s): 56 )

  2. Update the CHAP calendar: Go to adjourned hearing date in CHAP. Update the matter text and add attorneys if necessary.

Matter to be decided on briefs or Taken under advisement:

  1. Docket the Proceeding Memo in CHAP:  Minute Entry Type = Hearing Held

Example: PM/Pretrial Conference held. OUTCOME: Plaintiff's brief due 5/20/16; reply brief due 6/10/16 and response brief by 6/20/16 . (related document(s): 1)

  • CJF cases: Inform JA of any briefing schedule.

Example: PM/Hearing held on Objection by Debtor to Claim Number 5 of Black River Country Bank. OUTCOME: Taken under advisement. (related document(s): 19)

    • CA will set the Under_Advisement flag [Bankruptcy > Court Events > Flags Set-Reset or Adversary > Court Events > Flags Set-Reset]; select Under_Advisement flag] and inform JA.

When the Memorandum Decision is signed, the case administrator will docket the Order: Memorandum Decision [ ... Orders/Opinions > Memorandum Decision]. When the Order is signed, docket the order via E-orders.


Final hearing is scheduled, and Judge directs clerk's office to send Pre-Hearing Order

Also see Notice of Hearing and Final Hearing Order

  1. Recode the matter in CHAP: Change strike code to sr; check box to reschedule; change date, time, and location; sort code should be 90.

  2. Update the CHAP calendar: Go to adjourned hearing date in CHAP and update Est. Time, update matter text and add attorneys if necessary.

  3. In ECF, docket the Proceeding Memo and Scheduling Order [Bankruptcy > Court Events > PM/Hearing Adjourned/Final Hearing Order (auto form) or Adversary > Court Events > PM/Hearing Adjourned/Final Hearing Order (auto form);verify "date filed" is the date hearing was held; browse and attached PM if the box is checked on the PM; satisfy hearing; select final hearing date and time from drop down list; select location; refer to Motion/Application; complete docket text; CJF cases: generate BNC forms.

    Example: Final hearing scheduled for 1/8/2014 at 10:00 AM at Eau Claire Hearings, Room 112 on Objection by Debtor to Claim Number 5 of Black River Country Bank

    PM/Hearing adjourned.

    Scheduling Order. Signed on: 10/8/13. cc: Parties in interest (Related Doc # 10, 32).

Trial is scheduled and Judge directs clerk's office to send Pre-Trial Order

Also see Notice of Trial and Pre-Trial Order

  1. Recode the matter in CHAP: Change strike code to sr; check box to reschedule; change date, time, and location; sort code should be 90.

  2. Update the CHAP calendar: Go to adjourned hearing date in CHAP and update Est. Time, change the  matter text to "Trial"  and add attorneys if necessary.

    Also edit the Proceeding Memo note to select the note titled CJF - PM for AP Trials.

  3. In ECF, docket the Proceeding Memo and Scheduling Order [Adversary > Court Events > PM/Hearing Adjourned/Pretrial or Final Hearing Order (auto form)]; verify "date filed" is the date hearing was held; browse and attach PM if the box is checked on the PM; satisfy pretrial/hearing; select the trial date and time from the drop down list; select the location; refer to Complaint; select type of hearing held (Hearing or Pretrial); complete docket text; CJF cases generate BNC forms.

    • When prompted, set dispositive motion deadlines if noted on the PM. The dates you enter will populate the Pre-Trial Order.

Example: Trial scheduled for 11/7/2013 at 10:15 AM at Eau Claire Hearings, Room 112 on Complaint.

PM/Pretrial Conference held.

Scheduling Order. Dispositive motion, if any, including supporting memorandum, to be filed by 12/23/13; response due by 01/23/14; reply, if any, due by 2/3/14. Signed on 10/29/2013. cc: Parties in interest (Related Doc # [1])


Matter is rescheduled (before hearing is held)

  1. Docket as a Proceeding Memo in CHAP: Minute Entry Type = Hearing Rescheduled ...

    Note: Be sure to select the Minute Entry Type for the correct Judge/conference line number); Set hearing type, date, time, Judge, and Location; modify text.  

    Example:  Hearing scheduled for 07/07/2016 at 09:00 AM by Telephone Conference on Motion by Debtors for Hardship Discharge (Doc # 56) (This reschedules the hearing previously set for 06/30/2016 at 10::00 AM - rescheduled at the request of Trustee.) ***This docket entry services as electronic notice.*** (related document(s): [56])

  2. Recode the original matter in CHAP. Change strike code to sn (Stricken from the calendar).

  3. Update the CHAP calendar: Go to adjourned hearing date in CHAP. Update the matter text and add attorneys if necessary.


  • Return PMs to JA that are 1) Under Advisement, 2) Final Hearings/Trials, 3) set for Briefing Schedule, 4) Order by the Court, and 5) set over/adjourned to a new TC date that's not already on the calendar.

  • If exhibits are entered at the hearing, hold until the appeal times runs.  If requested, the exhibits can be sent back to the attorney (provided the appeal time has expired, return postage has been paid, and the Judge has not written on them). Exhibits are placed in the shred box after 60 days.

  • If there are additional Judge's notes, JA will make a chambers note [Bankruptcy > Court Events > Chambers Notes]; refer to Motion/Application, etc.; do not attach document. This is a private entry.


08/30/19 Under Trial is scheduled and Judge directs clerk's office to send Pre-Trial Order, noted: select the trial date and time from the drop down list and added "CJF cases: generate the BNC forms." Do not produce the forms for Judge Ludwig cases.

Removed follow text: "If more than one moving or opposing attorney, delete listed attorney first and then re-add all attorneys. (This is necessary to correct a glitch in CHAP; otherwise, attorneys do not appear on the calendar correctly.)" This is no longer an issue.

Under Matter to be decided on briefs or Taken under advisement, added: CJF cases: Inform JA of any briefing schedule or if a matter is taken under advisement.